Monday, March 22, 2010

"There should be an entire channel devoted to these things"

If you have a half hour to spare, I suggest checking out the above video.

(And if you don't have a half hour to spare, I suggest checking out the above video)

One of the perks of having a roommate that is a librarian is that she often brings home random books or DVDs that I would not have heard of any other way. The latest find? The Way Things Go (or Der Lauf Der Dinge). I had to find it online and share it with you. The entire video is an amazing half-hour long Rube Goldberg machine that uses all sorts of creative and random things. My favourite part is the use of chemistry with all the liquids and fire. Very cool.

I now want to devote a portion of my summer vacation to building one of these contraptions.

And if you only have four minutes (or an additional four minutes), check out this OK Go video that also features an awesome Rube Goldberg machine. It's functional and attractive.

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