So happy it is Friday. Just kind of mentally checked out for the week and am in need of a weekend. Looking forward to a couple more film fest movies this weekend and a bonfire at my coworker's house later this evening. Have a good one, everyone!
How did I not know that Neil deGrasse Tyson has a podcast??
Google Street View takes you underwater. This is so. flippin'. cool.
Intrigued by this chocolate ravioli recipe.
Simple cake toppers.
It's decorative gourd season, motherf***ers. (My job in a nutshell).
Music and food (via black eiffel)
Lovely paper hats.
Eat your greens.
Antelope Canyon. I want to go to there.
Made my first batch of Caramel Stuffed Apple Cider Cookies of the season last night. They are still my favourite cookies for fall.
Pile o' gourds at Elkhorn Flea Market last weekend.
Dear Google, will you ever stop being so badass? and I hope the answer is no.